Life on Easy Mode: The Best Pro Tips for a Better Life

Have you ever watched those little videos showcasing a life hack so perfect you can’t believe you didn’t think of it? Here are a bunch of similar life tips that will make your life so much easier!

A Car Feather Duster

Cleaning a car dashboard with a feather duster.
Photo Credit: kram-9 via

Keep a cheap feather duster in your glove compartment to make cleaning your dash a  breeze. You’ll never have to worry about dust accumulation again. 

Give it 10 Minutes

Kitchen timer shaped like an apple on a desk next to someone doing computer work.
Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators via

When you’re dreading a chore, remember you don’t have to do it all in one go. Set a timer for ten minutes, and allow yourself to stop when the timer rings. More often than not, getting started was the most challenging part, and you’ll be happy to finish even when the timer rings. 

Fix It Before It’s a Problem

Woman wearing yellow rubber gloves using a plunger on a sink
Photo Credit: New Africa via

Don’t let mole holes turn into mountains. It’s best to nip a minor issue in the bud before it becomes a massive problem. 

Fix the tiny hole in the roof before you need a complete replacement. Clean the drain before mold grows. Pull weeds when they’re small. 

Making a tiny effort to solve problems as they arise will make your life more manageable. 

Sinking Funds

Happy woman holding a small piggy bank with bills coming out of the top.
Photo Credit: Jason Stitt via

Everyone has quarterly and yearly expenses. Unfortunately, they sneak up on us even though they’ve been marked in the calendar for months. 

Create separate bank accounts, sinking funds, to account for these expenses. A sinking fund is similar to an emergency fund, but you know when you’ll use the money. 

Many people have a Christmas sinking fund. They contribute a little money each month, so by the time December rolls around, they have plenty of money for the holiday. 

You can have a sinking fund for vacations, insurance, special occasions, or anything else essential. 

A Fast Five

Young entry-level worker learning from an older male colleague.
Photo Credit: Ground Picture via

If you’re overwhelmed and unsure where to begin, pick five simple tasks that can be completed in less than five minutes. 

Respond to an email. Start a load of laundry. Let the dog out. Brush your teeth. Getting these small tasks off your plate will reduce the overwhelm and allow you to focus on more complex things. 


A couple sits at the table paying their bills together.
Photo Credit: New Africa via

Avoid pesky late fees by setting an automatic payment schedule. Most bills accept autopay, so take advantage of it and never be late again. 

Batch Cook

Six meal prepped lunches in tupperware.
Photo Credit: Fevziie via

Meal prep is a godsend. When you’re limited on time, every minute counts, so rather than take time to prepare food every day, batch it all on a Sunday. 

Precut all your veggies and plate all your crackers so you can grab and go on weekday mornings. As a bonus, you’ll only have to wash the dishes once. 

Don’t Shop Hungry

woman browsing aisle at the grocery store
Photo Credit: antoniodiaz via

A hungry belly is a surefire way to blow your budget at the grocery store. Eat before heading out for your weekly shop; it will help you stick to your list. 

Keep a water bottle on hand as well. If you’re thirsty, you may start eyeballing expensive drinks you don’t need. 

10 Minute Warning

A woman points to an alarm clock she's holding out in front of herself.
Photo Credit: Quality Stock Arts via

High schools often have a short bell that acts as a final warning to get to class before the real bell goes off. Implement this system in your own home with a ten-minute timer. 

The ten-minute warning will let everyone in the house know they must be ready to go. 

Turning Hangers

Woman holding a pile of folded clothes in a living room with clothes in a pile on the floor behind her.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

At the beginning of each year, turn all your hangers around. As you wear and wash things, put them back correctly. 

Donate everything with the hanger in the wrong direction at the end of the year. You likely don’t need it if you haven’t used it in over a year. 

Don’t Drink Calories

Server carrying tray of water
Photo Credit: Andrew Angelov via

A lot of us down sugary drinks without even considering the calorie intake. Orange juice, pop, and even coffee (with cream and sugar!) abound with useless calories. 

If you’re trying to lose weight, keep an eye on the calories you’re drinking. 

Do What You Dread

A stressed woman sits at her computer with her hands over her ears, avoiding the two men asking her to work.
Photo credit: fizkes via

We often procrastinate and accomplish nothing because there’s one monumental task we dread doing. 

Just do it. Get it over with. Accomplishing the challenging task will make everything that follows so much easier. 

Take Something With You

woman holding book in front of her face with eyes shifting to the left
photo credit: Dean Drobot via

Most of our homes are filled with out-of-place objects. That hammer has been sitting in the bedroom for who knows how long. That book lays on the bathroom sink, completed eons ago yet never returned to its bookcase home. 

Whenever you leave a room, take a quick glance around for one of these forgotten items, and return it to its home. It’s an easy declutter method that only takes a few seconds. 

Five Minute Rule

mom and daughter celebrating cleaning the floor together
Photo Credit: Drpixel via

If you can finish something in five minutes, just do it. Why put off a simple task?

These five-minute chores add up, and the more you do at random throughout the week, the less time your weekly house clean-up will take. 

Potato Peeler

Butter and garlic with some herbs on a table.
Photo Credit: rukxstockphoto via

Cold butter is the worst. Stop wrestling with that stiff stick. Use a potato peeler to slice off a thin piece of butter for your toast. 

Savor Every Moment

sand running through an hourglass to represent quotes about time.
Photo Credit: Min C. Chiu via

They often say time flies, and that’s true. We’re often so busy we don’t even notice the days and years slip away. 

Yes Time Flies – But Here’s How To Savor Every Moment

Enhance Your Life With Hobbies

cutting pieces for crafting with little craft boxes filled with tiny items
Photo Credit: LanaSweet via

Hobbies don’t have to be expensive. Here are 62 more cheap hobbies you can try to enjoy your life in your spare time!

Read it here: 62 Free and Cheap Hobbies You Can Start Today

Learn To Cook at Home

man cooking in a professional kitchen.
Photo Credit: Ground Picture via

Cooking is far cheaper than eating out, but where do you start? These tips will help you become a master chef in no time!

Plan for your Financial Future

hands working on a financial plan
Photo Credit: Atstock Productions via

You don’t need to pay a financial advisor to craft a financial plan. Here’s how to do it on your own!

Read it Here: How To Make a Financial Plan

Find a Great Routine

happy woman after a shower holding a cup to represent morning routine activities
Photo Credit: Claudia K via

Start your day off right! Here are 23 Morning Routine Ideas to Implement for a Great Start To Your Day


“Coming Out” as Atheist To Deeply Religious Parents

Parents raise their children as little mini-mes, instilling their worldviews and values in the hope that their kids will carry on their traditions into eternity. 

Many parents seek to “shelter” their children from anything that would tarnish their beliefs. Some homeschool their kids to hide the truth about the world, teaching creationism instead of evolution and “protecting” them from the harsh realities of racism, misogyny, and scientific discovery during their crucial developmental years. 

Others use emotional blackmail to twist their kids into what they want, showing love only when they follow the “right” path (which means whatever the parents want) and harshly punishing any deviation – even going so far as to disown their kids if they don’t do as their told. 

On Coming Out

Members of the LGBTQ community know these harsh truths all too well. Far too many LGBTQ youth have suffered at the hands of their parents for loving the wrong person. Some were thrust into poverty after being kicked out of the house, and far too many lost their lives over it. 

The stories from the LGBTQ community about emotional manipulation, blackmail, and abandonment are far too many, but we often see the reports in the media. We know it’s a problem. 

Another type of coming out gets far less fanfare, though it’s just as dangerous. 

An Atheist in a Religious Household

In today’s interconnected world, it’s easier than ever for children growing up in deeply religious households to connect with folks with different beliefs. Despite the parent’s best efforts to keep their child brainwashed, they make friends with people from other religions and *gasp* even atheists. 

These kids, who are still developing their own sense of identity, sometimes think critically about their parent’s religious beliefs and sometimes question them. 

Some become their parent’s worst nightmares. They become atheists. 

Hatred for Atheists

Atheists rank as the most hated group in America. A 2012 study shows less than 50% of American voters would vote for a well-qualified atheist presidential candidate. Parents cringe at the thought of an atheist son or daughter-in-law. 

Americans hate atheists and always assume the worst of them, saying atheists are the least trustworthy and the most likely to commit crimes (though statistics show this belief is blatantly false). 

Telling Your Parents You’re an Atheist

Telling your parents you’re an atheist can be just as dangerous and devastating as coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community. 

One young person came to Reddit describing the emotional turmoil their confession caused. 

Their mom “spent the next 2 hours crying on the floor in the kitchen while my father kept showing me some clips of a scientist who believes in creation,” they reported, adding that they don’t know how to deal with this emotional turmoil, especially as they rely on their parents for survival. 

A Common Problem

The original poster was lucky – their parents didn’t kick them out. Loving Christian parents so commonly kick their atheist children to the curb that a religious website had to write an article telling parents not to kick their kids out. 

Many Atheists Fake It

Many atheist children pretend they’re religious to avoid their parent’s wrath. They go to Church, participate in prayer, and go through the motions to avoid the guaranteed conflict that will arise if the parents discover the truth. 

In this way, atheists have it far easier than their LGBTQ counterparts. They don’t have to hide who they love and only have to play pretend a few times per week, not their entire lives. 

Why Do Some Christian Parents Shun Their Children?

If Christianity is a religion of love and forgiveness, why do so many Christian parents disown their children over differences in belief, whether atheism or sexual orientation?

It’s also striking that only certain sects of Christianity behave this way. Other sects embody Christ’s teachings, creating loving, welcoming environments for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, values, background, or sexual orientation. 

Others seem antithetical to everything Jesus stood for. 

We can’t fathom what goes through someone’s mind when they reject someone they purport to love for living a life true to themselves. It boggles the mind that a religion based on love and forgiveness would support and condone such atrocious behavior, yet here we are. 

These hateful Christians should think long and hard about how their beloved savior would act before turning on their children. 

Source: Reddit


Going Out is Expensive! The True Cost of a Night Out Revealed

How do people afford bars, clubs, and restaurants multiple times per week? Going out is expensive!

Buying just a few drinks can blow your budget on a single night out; it’s hard to understand how folks can go out every week without breaking the bank. 

That all got me thinking – how much does a night out cost the average person?

We dove in to find the true costs of a night out and developed tips to help you save money while enjoying the nightlife.  

Why is Going Out So Expensive?

Bars and restaurants are getting more expensive. Inflation is a crucial driver of price increases. The overall inflation rate is 3.5%, but the rate for food away from home is slightly higher, at 4.2%. Though inflation is down from previous years, consumers aren’t seeing much relief as prices continue to rise. 

The rate for food at home is only 1.2%.

Going out is more expensive than staying in because establishments have hundreds of business costs. Restaurants and bars must pay for labor, supplies, and overhead, including rent and utilities. They also need to make a profit because why would someone take on all the stress of running a business without reward?

Your final bill includes all of these costs. 

How Much Does the Average Person Spend on a Night Out?

According to a 2023 study by Money Geek, the average cost of dinner and a movie comes to $123. If you have one date night a week, you’ll spend nearly $500 per month. 

Most people don’t go on a dinner/movie date once a month. According to a study by US Foods, the average person dines out three times per month and spends approximately $122. 

How Much Does a Night Out Drinking Cost?

Nightlife is big business, commanding a $36.3 billion market size in 2023. The cost of a night out varies wildly by city. conducted a study to analyze the cost of a night out in the biggest US cities. Their ranking factors included drinks at restaurants and clubs and the price of a ride. 

The total cost in the most expensive cities ranges from $114.87 in Seattle to $78.21 in Salt Lake City. On average, Americans in cities will pay about $85.79 for a single night out. 

The average price for a beer in the US was $4.75 in 2021, the most recent year for which we have data. The inflation rate for food away from home was 7.7% in 2022 and 5.2% in 2023, meaning the average price for a beer in 2024 is about $7.78. 

Mixed drinks cost even more. A couple enjoying a date night can spend thirty dollars on just a few drinks.

Of course, these costs are highly dependent on where you are. A night in a town in a big city like Los Angeles or Chicago will cost far more than a night out in a small town in Wisconsin. 

Average Cover Charge

Although bars don’t generally charge cover, you will likely have to pay just to get in the door if you want to enjoy clubbing or live music. The Nightlife Association reports that average coverage fees hover around $20 per entry. 

The cover charge varies widely by city, type of club, and even gender. Some clubs charge men to enter while letting women in for free; others offer discounts for the ladies. Swanky nightclubs are more expensive than dives, and some bars only charge if there is live music. 

Why Do People Go Clubbing?

Learning the actual expense of a night out begs the question: Why do people spend money on clubbing? 

Everyone likes different things and different environments. Some people don’t enjoy dancing or loud venues, but others do, and we can’t judge folks who enjoy different things. 

Clubs are generally on the pricier end of the nightlife experience, though. They often charge a cover to get in and have inflated drink prices. 

If clubbing is your style, you’re going to pay more.

How to Save Money on Clubbing

If you want to save money on clubbing, consider limiting your outings to once or twice a month or going to the clubs on special nights with free covers. 

When I visited my sister in Florida ages ago, the Orlando nightclubs offered “Ladies Night,” allowing women free entry. Some of the clubs even gave us free drinks! We took advantage of that to make our night out affordable.  

Obviously, that won’t work for everyone, but some clubs offer memberships, discount nights, special drink nights, cover-free nights, and other options to help patrons save money.

Check your favorite club to see what goodies they offer loyal customers!

How Can I Go Out with No Money?

Sometimes, we want to go out for the environment, to hang out with our friends, and to have a good time. The insane expense of going out can put a damper on that, but there are ways to go out without money.

When I lived in Los Angeles, my colleagues always had happy hours. It was an excellent opportunity to get together and have fun outside the stuffy work environment. I loved going, but I didn’t want to spend money.

Fortunately, all my friends were fantastic, and nobody judged me for going and just ordering a glass of water. I enjoyed the pleasure of all my friends’ company but didn’t have to pay for it. 

Abstaining at the bar is always an option if you want to enjoy some good company but don’t want to pay for drinks.

There are also many other ways to spend a night out that don’t include bars and dropping. You could watch movies, enjoy a park, or stargaze rather than hit the clubs. 

Save Money by Staying Home

You don’t have to go out to enjoy a fantastic time with your friends. Once my friends started buying houses, we couldn’t afford to go out anymore. But we always invited each other over for dinners and karaoke nights. 

Try hosting game nights or potlucks at home rather than heading out to the bars and clubs. The company is the most crucial part. 

Eating Out is Expensive

Going out doesn’t just mean going out drinking. Most of my going out revolves around going out to eat. 

Sometimes you just want a delicious meal you don’t have to cook or clean up after, right? And sometimes you want a specific meal you just don’t know how to make – those cravings are killer. 

But going out is expensive, and eating out will cost you.

How Much Does the Average Person Spend on Eating Out?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends $365 monthly eating out, over $4300 a year. Remember, the average includes families of one, so if you are in a partnership, you might be paying twice that amount.

It’s difficult to ascertain how much it costs to eat out on average due to the enormous variety in restaurant styles and prices. Fast food is on the cheap end of the scale, but even that is getting crazy expensive. A few years ago, you could get an entire meal for about five bucks, and now, unless you stick to the dollar menu, it’s closer to ten. 

My boyfriend and I spent nearly thirty bucks on one meal at Five Guys, which I consider a fast-food restaurant. Full-service casual fine-dining restaurants are even more expensive. 

Most meals cost over ten dollars, and when you add in drinks, tips, and taxes, you will generally pay around thirty dollars for a single meal. Expect to pay more if you order a drink from the bar.

Is Going Out to Eat a Waste of Money?

Many people review this data and conclude that eating out wastes money. Some financial gurus even have the gall to say things like:

If you’re working on paying off debt, the only time you should see the inside of a restaurant is if you’re working there.” -DR

In reality, statements like this shame people for enjoying small pleasures

Eating out is expensive, but sometimes it’s worth paying extra to enjoy a different type of food or to give yourself a break from cooking and cleaning. 

Of course, the caveat is that you must budget for it, and if you’re struggling to pay your bills, you may want to limit how much you spend eating out.  

How Much Money Do You Save by Not Eating Out?

The truth is that eating at home is cheaper than eating out. If saving money is your top priority, cooking at home can save a lot. 

Although everyone’s spending is different, if you fall in line with the average American, you can save approximately $4380 per year if you never eat out. 

But I know that isn’t realistic. During my no-spend year, I tried limiting myself to only two nights per month, and I failed at that multiple times. Sometimes, you just need to go out.

The challenge did help me cut down on eating out. For a few of those months, I managed to limit myself to eating out twice a month, which is much better than the twice-per-week average. I also only went out 4 or 5 times per month during my most significant fail months, which is slightly better than average. 

How to Save Money on Eating Out

Eating out doesn’t have to be a budget buster. Here are some tips and tricks to help you enjoy a night out without breaking the bank. 

Skip Alcohol

When discussing the cost of a night out, the most significant expense is usually alcohol. Restaurants are notorious for charging inflated prices on bar drinks, which is a top money maker for them. 

Opt for water with your meal and buy a six-pack at the grocery store after dinner. Not only will this save you money, but it’s also safer, as you don’t have to worry about your blood alcohol levels while driving home. 


Going out is often expensive because we order too much food. We don’t need an appetizer, main course, and dessert. 

Instead, skip the appetizer altogether or order it as a main course. Appetizers are generally cheaper than main courses and usually just as filling. 

You don’t need both. 


Restaurant portion sizes are outrageous, often big enough for two. You can save money and eat less by sharing an appetizer and main course. 

Some restaurants frown on sharing, so check the policies before ordering. 

Use the Leftovers

Taking leftovers home for the next day’s lunch won’t save money on your night out but will reduce your weekly food costs. Some restaurants give you enough food for two to three lunches. 

Take advantage of the big portions to have food for the rest of the week. 

Order from the Dollar Menu

A final, albeit unhealthy, way to save on eating out is to order from the dollar menu at your favorite fast food place.

Sometimes, you are out and hungry and have to eat something, or you just don’t have the time for cooking and cleaning. It’s okay to opt for convenience every once in a while. 

The best option is to try to eat at home more often.

Easy Eat at Home Options

We spend so much money eating out because it’s so easy. You don’t have to worry about food prep or cleaning when you go out to eat. 

All you have to do is show up, eat, and pay. With our insidious work culture that takes up most of our time, that option is tough to resist.

Keep some easy-prep foods at home, like sandwich fixings, cut veggies, or frozen meals. Meal prep on your days off so you don’t have as much to do after work. Set yourself up for success so preparing food after a hard day isn’t as difficult. 

Going Out is Expensive

Going out is expensive, but there are ways to make it more affordable. Although we shouldn’t spend all our money going out, it’s okay to budget a little bit each month to enjoy yourself. 

It’s important to consider how much money you spend going out each month and ensure it aligns with both your financial goals and responsibilities. 

However, if you’re doing that, there’s nothing wrong with budgeting yourself some fun money to enjoy your life.


10 Realities of Being Poor that People Who Never Lived it Can’t Understand

Rich folks tend to live in an idealistic bubble. They can afford food, shelter, good schools, and anything they want, so they never learned how to survive a month without a food budget or how to stretch a paltry budget until the next paycheck. 

Working Class Survival Tips

Woman biting her lip while holding open an empty wallet on a blue background.
Photo Credit: nazarovsergey via

While scrolling through one of my favorite online communities, R/askreddit, I came across an enlightening question asking users to share the things poor people know that rich folks will never understand or have to experience. 

Some answers are great frugal hacks, while others showcase how difficult being poor really is. 

If you’ve been well off your entire life, you may not realize how much your fellow human struggles, while the items in this list are an everyday reality for the less well-off. 

How to Use it All

woman throwing away a pair of glasses
Photo Credit: Jasen Wright via

Poor folks know how to prevent waste. Most consumables are too expensive to throw away when the package gets low. 

One user responded that poor folks know “How to get all the peanut butter out of the jar,” while another added that they also know how to use every last drop of toothpaste. 

“My grandma used to cut open the tube when there was almost none left to use every last drip of it,” they responded. 

Being Poor is Expensive

sad man looking into his empty wallet
Photo Credit: pathdoc via

One user received two awards for simply stating the truth. “How expensive it is to be poor.”

Rich people will never understand how expensive it is to be poor. The idea that you just need to try harder goes out the window when you get nickel and dimed at every turn. 

Others agreed, showcasing numerous ways it’s more expensive to be poor. Renting can be more costly than buying. Poor folks can’t afford to buy in bulk, see a doctor, or qualify for good loan terms. 

Things the wealthy take for granted, like fixing a leaking pipe immediately or buying high-quality, lasting boots, are out of reach for many of the poor. 

The Exact Price

Woman scanning a bottle at a self check out.
Photo Credit: frantic00 via

Poor folks are price-conscious. They must add up every item in their carts, calculate taxes, and ensure they can pay the final bill. 

Rich people don’t have to worry about it. Who cares if the cookies cost $1 or $2?

“You could probably raise the price multiple times on an everyday item, and a rich person wouldn’t even notice,” claimed one user, adding that  “a poor person would notice when something’s 5-10c more expensive than before.”

“Bill Gates thought a box of mac and cheese would cost $10,” quipped another. 

Feeling Left Out

Sad teenage girl sitting alone in a computer chair staring at her phone.
Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images via

Rich kids never understood the struggle of feeling left out of class activities due to money. 

“The feeling of watching all your friends go on a field trip without you because your parents couldn’t afford it,” responded one user sadly. 

“I remember that so many times in elementary,” shared another.  “I remember in first grade; my family couldn’t afford the $20 for me to go on an ice skating field trip. While my class left, I was sent to sit and do homework in a 4th-grade class. I just sat in a desk set to the side and was treated as if I was there for being bad or mostly ignored. It was a sad day that sticks out to me.”

“Or, if the trip was free, not being able to afford the lunch, activities, or souvenirs that you have to pay for. Mostly you’re just hanging out watching everyone else,” responded another. 

Knowing Your Parents Are Hungry

Man and woman standing next to each other on different square colored backgrounds both holding their stomaches and making hungry faces.
Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands via

Parents will sacrifice anything for their children, even food. Poor kids eventually figure it out, but rich people will never understand the feeling. 

“When your parents are lying to you, saying they’re full when they’re not so you can have the last bite,” responded one Redditor. 

“I remember eating the last bit of bread we had and my parents both watching me. Dad started poaching turkeys not long after. Didn’t really sink in until I was older,” said another. 

How to Survive Without Money

Man sitting with his hands near his chin, sadly thinking and seriously thinking
Photo Credit: spixel via

Some Redditors mentioned the silver lining to being poor: you learn how to manage. Wealthy folks will never know the struggle and thus never learn those same survival skills. 

“Everybody can lose money and become poor, but it feels a bit more ‘safe’ if you already went through it and know how to survive with as few as possible,” said one user. 

Others agreed, sharing their stories of surviving for months on paltry budgets. 

“I did up a budget and realized I only had about $100 for groceries,” said one.  “I knew I had a few months before I could find work as most jobs I was relevantly qualified for would be hiring for the next school terms start date. I bought a whole bunch of rice, frankfurts, and powdered milk. I had a habit of buying stuff bulk beforehand, so I was very lucky. I ran out of food the week before the start to my new job.”

The Paycheck to Paycheck Pressure

couple at a computer looking stressed out.
Photo Credit: fizkes via

Everyone is stressed out, but poor people carry the extra burden of financial anxiety. 

One user put it nicely, responding that rich people will never know “the pressure of living to the next paycheck, with no safety net if anything unexpected happens.”

If you have money, the unexpected is an inconvenience. Yeah, it sucks when the car breaks down, or the cat needs to go to the vet, but you can afford it. 

For the poor, it’s life-threatening. If you can’t afford a car repair, you can’t get to work, and you might lose your job. There’s no help, no safety net, nothing to protect them from being homeless in the face of what would be simply inconvenient for those with deeper pockets. 

Poverty Begets More Poverty

poor man looking at the small pile of change that came out of his piggy bank.
Photo Credit: vchal via

Rich people don’t understand that poverty traps you in an endless cycle of remaining poor. One user called being poor “cyclic,” explaining how poor people get trapped in a never-ending cycle of poverty. 

“Low income means old second-hand cars, which means poor reliability, high maintenance costs, and unreliable work attendance,” they shared. 

The user continued to explain how the loop further restricts opportunities. 

“Car difficulty discourages longer commutes or those without public transport alternatives – further restricting employment opportunities. Limited or unstable employment worsens income and prevents investment in more reliable cars, etc. The difficulty is finding an exit opportunity to end the positive feedback loop.”

You Need Money To Be Happy

happy woman holding money.
Photo Credit; Dean Drobot via

The common trope “money doesn’t buy happiness” may be true, but the poor know you need money to be happy. 

“Money cannot buy happiness, but the lack of money sure…prevents happiness,” stated one user. 

It’s hard to be happy when you can’t afford the basic necessities of life or know that one tiny problem will destroy your precariously built stability. 

Others mentioned that money could buy the things that would make them happy long term. “You know what would probably make me a lot happier?” one asked. “Therapy. Which I can’t afford.’

You Can’t Control Everything

stressed looking woman on a blue background
Photo Credit: via

A common trope in financial circles is that you can fix your situation if you only work hard enough. 

One Redditor refuted this claim, answering the question with “the fact that not everything is under your control.”

Rich people can throw money at problems and make them go away. Middle-class folks can control their work schedules, take time off for illness, and hold out for the perfect job opportunity. 

Poor people don’t have these luxuries. They must take the job offered, work ridiculous hours that prevent them from doing anything else, and accept poor pay because they will be homeless if they don’t. They rely on public transportation, which adds additional hours to their commute, so they don’t have time to cook healthy meals or start a side hustle. 

Many poor people have no options. They get trapped in a cycle of poverty that they can’t escape and are constantly criticized about making better choices. Rich people don’t realize that they often don’t have a choice. 

Being Poor is Harder Than You Imagine

sad looking woman eating cheap noodles
Photo Credit: Kmpzzz via

The eye-opening thread showcases how hard being poor really is. The poor face trials and tribulations that the rich never have to consider. 

Generational Poverty is Real

hands holding an empty wallet to represent poverty
Photo credit: StanislauV via

Generational poverty is just as real as generational wealth. Here’s a look at generational poverty in America

Financial Goals are Essential

piggy bank and money jar next to a chalkboard that reads "financial goals" on a blue background
Photo Credit: kenary820 via

Determining your financial goals and making a plan to achieve them is essential for a happy life. Here are some examples of financial goal to set and how to achieve them


She Can’t Afford To Leave Her Abusive Relationship

The rising cost of living impacts everyone. But amidst the discussion of families eating rice and beans to make ends meet and adult children cohabiting with their parents longer, because they can’t afford a place of their own, we often forget about the other victims: people trapped in abusive relationships because they can’t afford to leave. 

One woman shared her story on Reddit, claiming she’s forced to stay with an abusive partner because she can’t afford to leave. 

She Works Two Jobs

The Original Poster works hard. She has two part-time jobs but works full-time between the two, pulling 29 hours at her “main” job and working retail on the weekends. 

She doesn’t make enough each month to afford her own place. 

Her Abusive “Partner”

Though her partner isn’t physically abusive, he’s emotionally and mentally abusive, and although OP doesn’t call it such, he’s sexually assaulted her. “There have been times where he refused to take no for an answer after I’ve worked on my feet all day,” reported OP. 

He doesn’t work, but his wealthy parents pay his share of the bills. Between playing video games and blowing money on Only Fans, he finds plenty of time to berate OP for her “uselessness.”

I’m yelled at every day about how I don’t do enough,” shared OP, adding that he’s called her an awful mother yet neglects their son while he’s home all day. 

She can’t afford clothes or food because her partner refuses to spend money on their child, yet he has everything he needs (and wants). 

Parents Part of the Problem

OP tried reaching out to her partner’s parents for help. They are her child’s grandparents, after all. 

However, their response shows us where OP’s partner gets his entitled behavior. They called her a golddigger for requesting their son help pay for his own child’s care. In addition, they threatened to take her son away in court if she tried to leave, and the partner said he’d never pay her a dime of child support

He’s probably right because he doesn’t have an income, as his parents fund his existence. 

OP Stuck

OP feels trapped. She can’t afford a place on her own. Even if she could, she wouldn’t have anyone to watch her son while she worked, and she can’t afford childcare. 

She refuses to leave without her child, as the father constantly neglects him while she works, and she fears leaving would give his parents even more ammunition to take her son in court. 

The outrageous cost of living forces this woman and her child to endure daily abuse at the hands of the person who’s supposed to help make their lives easier. 

Women’s Shelters

Many users, moved by OP’s post, recommended she find a women’s shelter willing to take her and her son. OP seemed unaware that her partner’s behavior is textbook abuse, and many provided resources explaining the different types of emotional, mental, and physical abuse. 

They offered a plethora of resources to help her find a place, and we hope she can escape. 

Doesn’t Solve the Over Arching Problem

OP’s tale isn’t extraordinary. Although she may escape, millions more women across the country are trapped in similar situations. 

Many have children, and some gave up their own financial independence to raise their children, not realizing the abuse would escalate when they had no way out. 

Multi-faceted Problem

There are no simple solutions. Although the rising cost of living contributes heavily to women’s inability to escape abusive relationships, it’s not the only barrier. 

Women were trapped in abusive situations far before inflation. The problem lies with misogynistic men who feel entitled to women’s labor and bodies and a society that doesn’t value women’s contributions.

It’s getting even worse, as limited access to healthcare will trap even more women in motherhood with abusive fathers and the insidious calls in some dark corners of politics to end no-fault divorce. 

Society Must Do Better for Women

Society must undergo a drastic paradigm shift. We must start valuing women’s work in creating and caring for life while respecting them as human beings first and foremost. 

We must reduce the cost of living to make life affordable for women who escape abusive situations while also teaching men that women are people, not objects for their use. 

Society is trying its hardest to push women back into domestic servitude, and we can’t let that happen. 


The Media Wants You Angry – Here’s Why They Win When You Seethe

How Dare You!

Your blood boils, your pupils dilate, and you feel your cheeks burning red with rage. The anger coursing through your body is tilting, righteous, and purposeful.

The media knows how to push your buttons. It knows the hot topics and what to say to manipulate its targets into seeing red.

What is Righteous Indignation?

A slightly shocked, slightly angry woman has her hand up in disbelief.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

Righteous indignation is a form of anger that we’ve permitted ourselves to experience. Getting mad over spilled milk or things that don’t matter is an affront to common human decency, but righteous anger is justified.

Normalizing Outrage

Angry man yelling and pointing his finger towards the camera
Photo Credit: StunningArt via

We’re allowed to be angry when someone insults us. We’re justified in our anger when others assault our deeply held beliefs and way of life. It’s okay to get mad when our morals are questioned. 

Anger is justified when it’s righteous.

What Causes Righteous Indignation?

A woman looks unsure with her hand on her chin and her eyes looking up as if she's thinking about something serious.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

Our own sense of morality often causes righteous indignation. According to The Practical Psych, Clinical Coaching psychologists founded by Dr. Jason Spendelow, those experiencing righteous anger feel the right to be angry based on their morals and beliefs. 

However, he cautions that morality isn’t absolute, as different people and cultures have wide ranges of beliefs about right and wrong.

A person’s beliefs govern righteous indignation, but not everyone believes the same things.

The Psychology Behind Righteous Indignation

Man with his hands up about to grasp a holographic image of a brain floating in front of his chest.
Photo Credit: nepool via

In Psychology Today, Dr. Joseph Burgo expanded upon the allure of righteous indignation. He describes it as a defense against shame and a way to shift blame.

Dr. Burgo also describes the appeal of righteous indignation in the political arena, showcasing how our divided political spectrum creates a breeding ground for righteous anger. Those who oppose us lack empathy and even humanity, while we care about others and our country. 

We’re on the side of moral good, while the other team lacks morals. The other group is clearly inferior, and we feel good about ourselves because we’re right about the issue.

How Media Uses Righteous Anger to Manipulate the Masses

Hands controlling puppet strings
Photo Credit: sp3n via

Media companies are well aware that rage bait sells, and they use it to get clicks. The world is safer than ever and is getting safer each year. But you wouldn’t know that by reading the news.

Everything you see is mayhem, from horrific crimes to political rulings meant to make and keep you angry, regardless of which side of the political spectrum you fall upon. The never-ending onslaught of the horrific thing the opposite side did today keeps users engaged and enraged.

Rage Bait

man angrily typing on his computer keyboard
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

Anger-inducing headlines get clicks, and media companies make money, all while the masses get madder and madder.

We do it to ourselves as well, with the help of profit-motivated algorithms. Social media follows the same rules as traditional media in that rage-inducing content will get more likes. A Yale Study demonstrated how these social networks reward and encourage moral outrage, leading to increased engagement for the user, and increased profits for the company.

Stop Being Manipulated

A man and woman stand next to each other, both have their hands out, palms up as if to say "stop."
Photo Credit: Mix and Match Studio via

Consumers have the power to change the game. We can stop media companies from manipulating our emotions and lining their own pockets off our anguish.

Here’s what you can do to fight against mass media companies trying to manipulate your emotions to gain a buck.

Think Critically About What You Read

A man with his hand on his chin looking off to the distance thinking.
Photo Credit: Asier Romero via

The first step is to take a step back and think critically about what you consume. Is the rage-inducing story trying to make you angry? Is there an “us” versus “them”? Who profits from this dichotomy?

Remember that the media’s top goal is to make money. They do this by playing with your emotions and getting you so worked up about a topic that you scour the internet for more and more, which they will happily provide.

Don’t Share Rage-Inducing Headlines

Woman using her phone with social media icons floating out of it. She also has a laptop open.
Photo Credit: 13_Phunkod via

Have you ever shared an article with a headline that made your blood boil? How many times have you done so without even reading the piece?

Media companies write misleading, rage-inducing headlines to get you to do just that. They want the engagement that comes from your anger upon seeing the headline. They may even explain in the article why the headline is 100% wrong, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is you’ve shared it, and people will keep sharing it.

Stop sharing articles with rage-inducing headlines. Look for balanced news, articles that provide nuance, and well-rounded reporting instead. At the very least, read each piece with a critical eye before you share it.

Stop Consuming Rage Bait

Man browsing a newspaper at the newspaper stand.
Photo Credit: pixfly via

Algorithms are designed to keep you inundated with content you will consume and share. Stop falling for the bait. Ignore the morally outrageous headlines you see, knowing it’s just a media company trying to get a click out of you.

The more you ignore these headlines, the fewer you will see them. Ignoring ragey articles has an additional bonus: you will no longer be angry all the time and start to see all the good in the world again.

Share the News You Want to See

A cheerful group of friends all looking at something on one person's phone.
Photo Credit: Jacob Lund via

We have to fight back against the algorithm. Instead of sharing news that makes your blood boil, share stories that make you happy.

Share funny stories, uplifting news, and all the fantastic human interest pieces that showcase the best of humanity. Not only will your algorithm change, but it might also help slowly change your closest friends’ algorithms.

Remember, good news pieces don’t get as much engagement. You’ll have to accept that sharing happy news may be less fulfilling. You may get fewer likes and shares, but that’s okay. 

Your overall mental health is worth sacrificing a few social media points.

Stop the Manipulation, Stop the Hate

Woman crossing her arms in a refusal gesture.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

Ultimately, the consumers have the power to mold the media, change the algorithm, and decide what type of news is newsworthy. Use it to stop the hate.

Are You Smart Enough To Spot The Propaganda?

Man with a tv head playing puppet master to a group of smaller people with tvs for heads.
Photo Credit: Marko Aliaksandr via

Propaganda surrounds us. It attempts to sway our thinking in both mundane and critical ways. Here are some examples of propaganda we see every day.

Stop Believing Lies

A woman has her hand on her chin and her eyes looking off to the left with a look of confusion on her face.
Photo Credit: via

Even the smartest among us fall for these everyday lies

We’re So Tired of Explaining these Basic Concepts To Others

Close up of an annoyed, frustrated woman holding her hands up in rage.
Photo Credit; Cast Of Thousands via

Sometimes, people just can’t understand basic ideas. We explain these concepts to others until our faces turn blue, yet they still can’t grasp them. 

Thats Not a Flex – Weird Things People Are Proud of

Woman with glasses and one eye closed looks confused and unsure of herself.
Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands via

People boast about the weirdest things. Here are the top things people are inexplicably proud of

Conspiracy Theories That Might Just Be True

Pretty short haired woman with her hand on her chin and a smile on her face as if she's having a happy thought.
Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi via

Some conspiracy theories are far more believable than others. Here are some we can get on board with 


Why You Should NEVER Invest in a Home That Isn’t Yours

Trusting the wrong person can destroy your life. Far too many people gave their time and money to a relationship, only to watch it whither and burn when the other party decided they no longer wanted it. 

It’s far worse when you invest your time, money, and resources into their home with no ownership stake, as one soon-to-be homeless woman discovered. 

Vowing Never To Rely On Men

The Original Poster (OP) said when she was young, she vowed never to let a man dictate her life after watching far too many women she knew become destitute after a failed relationship. 

Despite her best efforts, she found herself in the same situation because she trusted the wrong person

Living Together

She was with her partner for seven years. They lived together for five. During that time, he decided to buy a house. 

Though it was solely in his name, he stressed that it was her home, too. 

She believed him. 

Investing in the House

OP made the house her home. 

I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in renovations for it,” she shared, adding, “I keep it clean, and tend the garden, and build my life around that home.”

It Falls Apart

Things were going well until they weren’t. They began arguing more, primarily because he wouldn’t help with chores, kept making promises he wouldn’t keep, and became unsatisfied with their lack of intimacy. 

They Need Space

He decided they needed space for the relationship to work, so he asked OP to move out for six months. She agreed to give them a chance to make the relationship work. 

However, she only agreed to six months with the full expectation that afterward, she’d move back. She left all her belongings in the home and rented a small place. 

He Doesn’t Want Her To Move Back

As the six months ended, he decided he no longer wants to share his home with OP. He does, however, want to keep stringing her along in a relationship. 

She Has Nowhere To Go

Of course, he waited until OP had made arrangements to end her six-month lease before telling her she couldn’t move back. The landlord already has a new tenant lined up, so she can’t stay. 

She has nowhere to live, and all her stuff is still at his house. She’s facing homelessness. 

Buying Her Own Place

OP’s furious at her ex but also mad at herself. She could have bought her own small place with all the money she dumped into fixing his home. 

She didn’t because she thought they were a team, and she thought she was investing in their joint future together. 

Protect Yourself

OP’s story serves as a warning for anyone looking at a relationship with rose-colored glasses. Far too many women give up on their hopes, dreams, career prospects, and opportunities for a man who unceremoniously dumps her for a newer model. 

He’s always looking out for number one, so you should, too. 


Historically, marriage was the best way for women to protect themselves from these situations. Marriage serves as a legal contract that prevents men from doing what OP’s partner did. 

If they were married, OP would easily be entitled to half. Because they weren’t, she will have a much harder time proving she’s owed anything in court. 


Nowadays, many people protect their premarital assets via a prenuptial agreement. Far too many men attempt to strongarm women into signing a prenup that doesn’t serve their interests. 

We completely understand protecting pre-existing assets and think both parties should do so. However, women must account for the possibility that they will give up their careers or earning potential to help their husbands build theirs or to care for children. The prenup should also protect her contributions to the relationship, even if they aren’t financial. 

Don’t Invest Unless It’s Yours

OP poured thousands of dollars into a house she didn’t own. In hindsight, she realizes how horrible that decision was. 

If you choose to move in with a partner, agree to a fair financial split that allows you to continue building assets. Don’t put all your money into something they own. Home maintenance, renovations, and repairs should all be paid by the homeowner, not the other party. The most you should pay is 50% of the mortgage for rent, but that might be unfair as well, depending on your financial situation.

A more equitable means of splitting the rent is to pay an amount proportional to your income so you don’t stretch yourself thin to pay a mortgage you never signed up for. A partner who truly loves you will have your best financial interests at heart, too. 

We Wish OP the Best

Our heart goes out to OP and the millions of other women in similar situations. We hope she finds housing, gets her stuff back from OP, and finds a way to get some of her investment back. 

We also hope her story serves as a warning for millions of other young girls. Take off the rose-colored glasses and protect yourself first. We guarantee he’s doing the same. 

Source: Reddit


Millennials Would Totally Cancel Shows for Using These Classic TV Tropes

TV studios must adapt to changing audiences. Tropes audiences enjoyed only a few years ago no longer fly. 

Here are familiar tropes of yesteryear that modern audiences wouldn’t watch. 

Game Show Kisses

A game show host holds a microphone up to a contestant.
Photo Credit: Frame Stock Footage via

Game show hosts used to kiss female contestants on the lips, not even caring whether she wanted it or not. 

That wouldn’t go over well today. 

“Joking” About Spousal Abuse

Carroll O'Connor, the actor who played Archie Bunker, in Los Angeles, 2000.
Photo Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency via

Archie Bunker notoriously joked about what he ought to do to Ethel, and audiences worldwide laughed knowingly. 

Today’s audiences don’t find spousal abuse quite as funny. 

Predatory Men for the Laughs

Creepy looking man wearing sunglasses on a red background.
Photo Credit: Grenar via

Lots of sitcoms from the 70s portrayed sexually aggressive men as funny. They’d take making women uncomfortable to the extreme for the laughs. 

Outrageous Racial Stereotypes

A man and woman stand next to each other, both have their hands out, palms up as if to say "stop."
Photo Credit: Mix and Match Studio via

Far too many shows relied on outlandish stereotypes for laughs. Though by the 70s and 80s, most avoided stereotypes surrounding black Americans, Asians were free game. Many shows had white folks acting as Chinese stereotypes in restaurants and laundry mats. 

Developing Female Characters

A woman sitting on the couch who looks like she's feeling sad, empty, and numb.
Photo Credit: My Ocean Production via

Far too many shows rely on sexual assault for female character development. Soap operas are notorious for it, but you can see it even in modern shows like Game of Thrones

The “Very Special Episode”

A teenager comforting his sad friend.
Photo Credit: Motortion Films via

Some shows made deals with governments to cover heavy topics like drug use or teenage pregnancy to send messages to their viewers. Modern viewers would roll their eyes at such pandering. 

Gay Jokes

A man wearing a loud patterned shirt and a pink feathered boa.
Photo Credit: Dean Drobot via

Sitcoms in the 90s or early 2000s went two ways with gay jokes. They either had an overly flamboyant gay character (caricature) everyone could laugh at or a straight character with “gay qualities” (we’re looking at you, Chandler!) everyone would laugh at. 

Body Shaming 

A mean man points and laughs at his girlfriend.
Photo Credit: Camilo Torres via

Al Bundy is the poster boy for fat jokes, but Married with Children isn’t the only show that relies on body-shaming humor. Home Improvement and even House employed the trope on occasion. 

The hit movie The Devil Wears Prada made fun of this trope by having Miranda constantly call the tiny Andy “fat.”

Clip Shows

pointing remote at large television screen with numerous on screen viewing options
Photo Credit: Proxima Studio via

The clip show was an inexpensive way for the studio to pump out content. In today’s age of on-demand television, a clip show wouldn’t have the same impact. 

All White Cast

A diverse group of college students sitting around a table at a library.
Photo Credit: fizkes via

Far too many shows set in major diverse cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles only featured white people. 

Friends and Seinfeld, both set in New York, had suspiciously few characters of color during their long runs. Modern audiences expect shows to be more inclusive. 

Boys Being Boys

A German bar featuring the Bro Code book created by Barney Stintson in How I Met Your Mother.
Photo Credit: frantic00 via

Everyone loved Barney in How I Met Your Mother, but the character was awful. He constantly lied to women and tricked them into intimacy, but the show made it a gigantic joke. 

Howard’s creepiness in The Big Bang Theory was similar, but at least in that show, they generally acknowledged his behavior was creepy and wrong. 

Moronic Men

Man making a stupid face and pointing to his head as if to say "duh"
Photo Credit: Mix and Match Studio via

Sitcom men are useless lugs. Raymond doesn’t do anything to help his overwhelmed wife, and Tim Allen can’t figure out how to wash the dishes when his wife is away. 

Modern audiences expect men to be better. 


How Old is Too Old To Enjoy a Night Out?

People love to judge others. We often can’t help but form instant judgments about people’s choices and behaviors, but it’s far more insidious when the judgment comes from inside the house. 

One woman came to Reddit seeking help after her husband claimed she was “too old” to enjoy girls’ night outs. 

Once Every Few Weeks

The Original Poster (OP) said she’s 33 and goes out with her girlfriends every 4-6 weeks. They typically go to a concert or go out dancing, but she’s home between 11 pm and 1 am. 

While out, the friends post photos to social media highlighting the venue or getting a great shot of them doing a fun “cheers” photo. 

He Parents While She Goes Out

OP shares a three-year-old child with her husband. When she enjoys a night out, he typically cares for their kid, but sometimes, her mom babysits instead. 

OP insisted that it’s only because her mom wants to babysit and that she pays her mom to do this out of her “fun money.”

Husband Enjoys Game Nights

It’s not as though the husband doesn’t get free time. He enjoys a game night 1-2 per week with his friends. Presumably, OP takes care of parenting twice weekly while the husband games. 

He Says She’s Too Old to Go Out

Although it seems like they have a decent system that allows both free time to enjoy their own interest, OP’s husband decided to nitpick his wife’s chosen activity. 

He “expressed concern” about her outings, claiming the social media posts may hurt her professionally and that his parents have commented about her outings. 

He said he thinks it’s weird at my age to go out like I do,” shared OP. 

Is He Right?

The comments concerned OP, so she came to Reddit wondering if her husband was on to something. The remark about professionalism really got under her skin, and she’s now worried about negative perceptions at the workplace. 

Husband Way Off Base

Redditors flocked to OP’s defense, saying that at 33, the only thing she’s too old for is having others tell her what to do. 

One user said they’re 60 and they’d love to go to clubs every night if their health allowed. 

People Enjoy Different Things

OP isn’t doing anything inappropriate or illegal, so shouldn’t worry about public perception. People enjoy different things, so if she enjoys concerts and dancing, nothing should prevent her from enjoying that. 

Her husband also enjoys “childish” activities, and no one bats an eye. 

Is this a Parent Thing or a Kid Thing?

Many users thought the husband was grasping at straws to control OP for more insidious reasons. They believe that either his parents are whispering things in his ear or he doesn’t want to parent his child on the nights OP goes out. 

A few of OP’s comments implied both of these possibilities. Her husband specifically said his parents commented, but she doesn’t go into detail about what they said or how often they mention it. 

She also over-explained her mother’s babysitting, doing everything possible to make it sound like the mom WANTED to do it and didn’t HAVE to do it because her husband couldn’t be bothered to watch the kid. 

“He’s making up an excuse for you to stay home so he doesn’t have to watch the kids,” guessed one user. 

Possibly Sexism

Others pointed out that it could be deeply rooted sexism. He’s allowed to enjoy his hobbies, but a mother should never go out and leave her baby behind.

“The double standard here is so blatant. Why does hubby get two nights a week to unwind and do his thing, but she can’t even have once a month or once every six weeks? It’s controlling,” said one user. 

OP, Enjoy Your Time!

OP should enjoy her nights out and ignore anyone who tries to make her feel bad about it. If the husband wants to push the issue, she can try matching his nights off and going out twice weekly. He probably wouldn’t like that, and she’d see the root of the problem is that he doesn’t want her to go out at all. 

Everyone, even mothers, deserves a break and time to do what they enjoy. So keep on dancing, OP, and enjoy your life!

Source: Reddit


27 Incredible Things To Do in Corpus Christi

Are you ready for a beach adventure that won’t break the bank? Head to Corpus Christi, a lively Gulf town with tons of thrilling adventures for any type of traveler. 

The Best Things To Do In Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi bursts with interesting activities, from its underrated art scene to its lively seaside adventures. Visit Corpus Christi invited me to explore this fun-filled Sparkling City by the Sea, and I’m bringing you the very best the coastal bend has to offer. 

Here are the best things to do in Corpus Christi, TX. 

Eat Fresh Seafood on a Floating Pier

Head down to Harrison’s Landing, where you can enjoy fresh seafood on a floating barge and hand-crafted cocktails from a tiki bar. 

Start with a savory lobster bisque, then enjoy any of the mouth-watering entrées like the redfish casino, a fillet topped with divine hollandaise sauce, pico de gallo, and avocado, or the shrimp boil, a fan favorite.

After dinner, visit Cathy’s boutique, located next to the restaurant, for the perfect token of your perfect trip.

Art Museum of South Texas

Your eye can’t help but catch the interesting architectural design of Corpus Christi’s fabulous art museum, which is located on the southeast corner of downtown, right before the Harbor Bridge.

Begin your art journey outside, where you’ll be greeted by a spectacular display of moving art in the water gardens. Inside, you’ll find an exquisite array of special exhibitions and articles from the permanent collection. 

The museum makes fantastic use of space, allowing viewers to experience the scale of the massive works from varying perspectives. The onsight restaurant, Elizabeth’s at the Art Museum, offers fresh Mediterranean-inspired fare at a gorgeous seaside cafe, making it the ideal place to stop for a bite after viewing the impressive collection. 

USS Lexington Museum

Explore a treasured piece of US Naval history onboard the USS Lexington Museum. Commissioned in 1943, the USS Lexington was the oldest operating carrier upon its retirement in 1991.

The ship patrolled the Pacific theater in World War II, participating in nearly every major operation and assisting the Allies in their victory at sea.

Now, the ship calls Corpus Christi home, allowing visitors to take self-guided tours through her halls. The flight deck, featuring a wide array of military aircraft, is the most popular level, but don’t forget to check out the navigation room and the plank!

Corpus Christi Art Trail

Corpus Christi bursts with public art, from seaside sculptures to giant murals. When in town, take a self-guided tour to visit these iconic works.

Visit Corpus Christi offers a free downloadable art trail map, allowing you to find and admire the works sprinkled around the city at your own pace.

Texas State Aquarium

Head to the Texas State Aquarium for a peek behind the curtain at the abundance of life living just off Corpus Christi’s coast. Hundreds of creatures call the aquarium home, from the elusive and highly endangered ocelot to the playful dolphins.

The Texas State Aquarium features animals from a variety of biomes. You’ll discover the rich species diversity in marshy swamps, coastal shores, coral reefs, and deep underwater caverns. It’s one of the top places to visit in all of Texas

Visit the Padre Island National Seashore

Padres Island serves as a barrier island resting between mainland Corpus Christi and the greater Gulf. While visiting Corpus Christi, explore the island’s lush shoreline ecosystem filled with rolling hills, marshland, and gorgeous beaches.

Although you’ll be tempted to swim, you must proceed cautiously. The tides wash up exotic sea life, from blue button jellies to Portuguese man o’ wars. Seeing these majestic creatures in the wild is worth the trip, but keep a safe distance.

The First Friday Art Walk

If you’re planning a trip to Corpus Christi, try to visit during the first Friday of the month, when the downtown area morphs into a giant party celebrating the arts.

The city closes off six blocks downtown, hosting block parties, live music, and hundreds of vendors selling everything from T-shirts to unique artistic creations. Businesses welcome local artists to showcase their work and sponsor stages at the end of every major street.

The massive art walk is a monthly party you won’t want to miss. 

South Texas Botanical Garden & Nature Center

The South Texas Botanical Garden & Nature Center showcases the region’s natural flora. It features a lovely garden and nature trail, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in nature despite the city setting.

The nature center also features an array of birds and reptiles and offers regular programs to educate the public on these keystone species. During your visit, you’ll see iguanas, snakes, hummingbirds, and massive tortoises and learn about conserving these majestic creatures.

Texas Museum of Asian Cultures

If you want to do something different while in Corpus, check out the Texas Museum of Asian Cultures. The museum is a labor of love, founded by Mrs. Billie Trimble Chandler in 1974 to celebrate Japanese culture after a stint teaching there.

While in Japan, she collected a vast array of artworks, including paintings, figures, pottery, and dolls. When she returned to Corpus Christi, she founded the museum and donated her entire collection, hoping to connect the cultures and share her love.

Since its founding, the museum has collected artworks from other Asian countries, including Vietnam, China, and the Philippines. It also hosts numerous cultural events and workshops throughout the year in its mission to spread cultural awareness.

Sunset Island

On your drive from mainland Corpus Christi to Padre Island, you must stop at Sunset Island, a small islet filled with events and dining.

The island is one of the top launch locations for boating in the city, but even those who aren’t heading out to sea can enjoy the island’s lively offerings. Sit down to a meal at Doc’s Seafood Restaurant to enjoy the catch of the day, or head to Snoopys and Scoopys for casual seafood and ice cream.

During the day, you can play games like volleyball and shuffleboard, but the island really comes to life on Friday nights when the local restaurants host live music. 

Watch the Sunrise at a Park

Corpus Christi features miles of east-facing shoreline, so it’s the perfect place to watch a sunrise over the water. In the morning, drive along Ocean Dr. to enjoy the show at one of the small coastal parks sprinkled throughout the city.

Many parks have east-facing parking, so you don’t need to leave your car to get a spectacular view, but you’ll want to.

Sit in the grass near the water. Feel the cool blades on your skin while listening to the waves break just below. Immerse your senses in nature’s glory as you watch the spectacular sunrise.

Oso Bay Wetlands Reserve

Corpus Christie’s unique geography provides a variety of niche ecosystems, from coastal shores to marshes to wetlands. The city protects 162 acres of its crucial wetlands at Oso Bay Wetlands Reserve.

The reserve features nature trails, a learning center, and special events dedicated to the education and preservation of some of our planet’s most precious natural areas. Visitors can glimpse rare species of plants and animals while learning why it is vital to protect these special lands.

Pay Respects to Selena

Selena Quintanilla-Perez may have been born in Lake Jackson, but she called Corpus Christi home. Unfortunately, her life was also cut short in the city when a crazed fan shot her.

The city honors its fallen star, allowing fans to pay respects at a life-sized statue installed near the entrance to People’s Street T Head (one of the downtown piers). Visitors can see the statue anytime, day or night, but if they want to learn more about the iconic singer, they can visit the Selena Museum, which her family established in 1998.

Beach Day

With four different beaches (excluding the national park!) Corpus Christi is the perfect place to enjoy some fun in the sun.

Start with North Beach, just over the bridge near the heart of the city. The beach features shops, restaurants, a bike path, and everything you could possibly need for a day of fun and sun.

Those who prefer a quieter beachfront should head to Whitecap Beach, featuring white sand beaches in a more undisturbed setting. Though the beach has fewer amenities, it’s perfect for those who want to relax in peace.

Play in the Water

Corpus Christi is a hotspot for water sports enthusiasts. North Packery Beach is ideal for surfing, jet skiing, wakeboarding, and all your favorite water activities.

The city also has terrific spots for kayaking, boating, paddle boarding, and everything else you can do on the water. However, pay attention to the city’s warnings; some areas see dangerous sea life washing ashore.

Scoot along the Shore

Most cities have scooter rental companies allowing residents and tourists to zip through the downtown areas with ease, but Corpus Christi has something special: 1.5 miles of seawall promenade.

Tourists can rent scooters and fly along the waterfront, stopping to enjoy the views or dip into a shop along the way. If they get hungry, they can scoot downtown for a snack and then hop back on to continue their ride.

Take a Fishing Trip

Battle monsters of the deep with a fishing trip from Corpus Christi. Sports fishers can charter a boat out to the depths to catch various fish, calling the warm offshore waters home. Though there’s no guarantee, you could catch anything from red snapper to hammerhead shark.

Fishing trips aren’t limited to the deep sea. Charters also head to the nearby lagoons and coastal waters, offering anglers a wide variety of potential catches.

Scenic Boat Tours

If fishing isn’t your style, you can take a scenic boat ride. The city features numerous tour companies offering a wide range of boat rides tailored to your tastes.

Tour Padre Island by sea or embark on a cruise to see the bay’s dolphins frolicking in the wild. Some tours even explore the city from the water, showcasing Corpus Christi’s most iconic landmarks from a different perspective.

Pirate Cruise

For a more lively boating adventure, embark on a pirate cruise. Enjoy swordfights, treasure hunts, cannon fire, and scallywags as the roguish swashbucklers sail the mighty seas.

Book with Red Dragon Pirate Cruises, setting sail from Port Aransas or the Black Dragon embarking out of Port Isabel for a jolly good time discovering if the “the pirate’s life for me.”

Enjoy a Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is an ideal way to explore an unknown city at your own pace. Numerous companies offer unique scavenger hunts in and around Corpus Christi, allowing tourists to visit the most famous landmarks while solving puzzles.

You can join the hunt with your smartphone and follow the clues at your own pace.

Support Local Theater

Corpus Christi boasts the longest-running community theater organization in Texas. The Harbor Playhouse brings community talent to the forefront with plays, musicals, and a summer camp program for kids.

While enjoying your stay, show your support for the welcoming community by enjoying a show. The schedule constantly changes, so check while planning your trip.


Corpus Christi earned the “birdiest city in America” moniker for its fantastic bird-spotting opportunities. Over 200 wild bird species live in the region’s vast wetlands, marshes, and coastal plains, making it the ideal location to fill your bird bingo card.

While enjoying your stay in the beachside town, see if you can spot the American white pelican, great egret, or endangered whooping crane.

Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History

The Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History features a wide range of exhibits for explorers of all ages.

The museum features numerous displays highlighting the coastal bend area’s legendary history, including the city’s growth, most prominent players, and early inhabitants. It also features exhibits on paleontology, geology, and coastal ecology.

Stroll Heritage Park Neighborhood

Corpus Christi’s Heritage Park neighborhood is filled with stunning historical homes that showcase the best of Southern architecture. Take a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood to admire the gorgeous craftsmanship.

While there, be sure to check out the ten historical Corpus Christi homes, many of which are registered as Texas historic landmarks. Many antique homes now serve as cultural centers and meeting spaces, but some are still occupied, so please treat the neighborhood with respect while visiting.

Beachside Horseback Riding

Your romantic dream of riding a horse along a moonlight beach path can be a reality in Corpus Christi. Horses on the Beach, located on Padre Island, offers daytime and sunset horseback riding along the pristine seashore.

Visit a Local Gallery

If you can’t visit Corpus during a First Friday art walk, you can still explore the local art scene by visiting a local gallery or art center.

The Art Center, featuring two galleries, rotating exhibitions, and educational programs, aims to promote regional artists. K-space Contemporary in downtown Corpus offers between 18 and 20 exhibitions each year, featuring both regional and national artists. Visitors can find numerous small and independent galleries sprinkled throughout the city.

Texas Maritime Museum

Though the Texas Maritime Museum isn’t technically in Corpus Christi, it’s only a short drive to the north and well worth the trip.

The maritime industry is crucial to Corpus Christi’s history and development, and the maritime museum tells the story. It features exhibits on how the area’s first residents used the land, the horrors of early shipwrecks, and modern industry, including shipbuilding and offshore oil and gas exploration.

Where to Stay in Corpus Christi

Downtown Corpus Christi offers an abundance of hotels, giving you ample choice of accommodations.

The Omni Hotel downtown features pristine guest rooms, two on-site restaurants, and an in-house coffee shop, making it a perfect choice for a luxurious stay. Its prime location in the heart of downtown makes walking to many of the town’s best activities a breeze.

Travelers on a budget may prefer to stay a few miles from downtown. Numerous hotels near North Beach offer lower prices and easy access to the beach, the USS Lexington, and the aquarium, but you’ll have to cross the Harbor Bridge to reach downtown. You can find value hotels off 358, closer to the city’s residential areas, but you’ll have to drive to enjoy the best Corpus Christi offers.

Enjoy the Sparkling City by the Sea

Corpus Christi features miles of pristine waterfront, acres of protected natural areas, and many exciting activities.

Plan your trip and discover why the Sparkling City by the Sea holds its title.
